General Reference
Extension & Util

Extension & Util

Here are some general util/ extension functions (in kotlin):



import javax.crypto.Cipher
import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec
object Aes {
  private const val TAG = "AES"
  enum class Padding {
    // PKCS1Padding,
    // PKCS7Padding
  fun encryptEcb(data: ByteArray, key: ByteArray, padding: Padding): ByteArray {
    val keySpec = SecretKeySpec(key, "AES")
    try {
      val cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/ECB/${padding}")
      cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, keySpec)
      return cipher.doFinal(data)
    } catch (e: Exception) {
      Log.d(TAG, "AES-ECB encrypt failed: $e")
      throw e
  fun decryptEcb(data: ByteArray, key: ByteArray, padding: Padding): ByteArray {
    val keySpec = SecretKeySpec(key, "AES")
    try {
      val cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/ECB/${padding}")
      cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, keySpec)
      return cipher.doFinal(data)
    } catch (e: Exception) {
      Log.d(TAG, "AES-ECB decrypt failed: $e")
      throw e
  fun encrypt(data: ByteArray, key: ByteArray, padding: Padding, iv: ByteArray): ByteArray {
    val keySpec = SecretKeySpec(key, "AES")
    try {
      val cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/${padding}")
      cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, keySpec, IvParameterSpec(iv))
      return cipher.doFinal(data)
    } catch (e: Exception) {
      Log.d(TAG, "AES-CBC encrypt failed: $e")
      throw e
  fun decrypt(data: ByteArray, key: ByteArray, padding: Padding, iv: ByteArray): ByteArray {
    val keySpec = SecretKeySpec(key, "AES")
    try {
      val cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/${padding}")
      cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, keySpec, IvParameterSpec(iv))
      return cipher.doFinal(data)
    } catch (e: Exception) {
      Log.d(TAG, "AES-CBC decrypt failed: $e")
      throw e


 * ANSI X9.24-3-2017
 * 6.3.2 Derivation Data, Table 2 & 3 Derivation Data
 * @param algoIndicator Indicates the algorithm that is going to use the derived key.
 * @param length Length, in bits, of the keying material being generated.
enum class KeyType(val algoIndicator: String, val length: String) {
  //`2TDEA`("0000", "0080"),
  //`3TDEA`("0001", "00C0"),
  AES128("0002", "0080"),
  AES192("0003", "00C0"),
  AES256("0004", "0100"),
 * ANSI X9.24-3-2017
 * 6.3.2 Derivation Data, Table 2 & 3 Derivation Data
 * keyUsageIndicator: Indicates how the key to be derived is to be used
enum class KeyUsage(val usageIndicator: String) {
 * AES DUKPT ANSI X9.24-3-2017 for more details
 * 6.4 Host Security Module Algorithm
class DukptAesHost {
   * Derive functions should be stateless and hence in companion object
  companion object {
     * 6.3 key derivation function
    private fun deriveKey(
      derivationKey: ByteArray,
      keyType: KeyType,
      derivationData: ByteArray,
    ): ByteArray {
      val length = keyType.length.hexToInt()
      val time = (length + 127) / 128
      var result = byteArrayOf()
      for (i in 1..time) {
        val tmp = derivationData.copyOf().apply {
          set(1, i.toByte())
        result += Aes.encryptEcb(tmp, derivationKey, Padding.NoPadding)
      return result.copyOfRange(0, length / 8)
     * 6.3.2 & 6.3.2 Create derivation data
    private fun createDerivationData(
      keyUsage: KeyUsage,
      keyType: KeyType,
      initialKeyId: String,
      hexCounter: String,
    ): ByteArray {
      val version = "01"
      val keyBlockCounter = "01"
      val data = if (keyUsage == KeyUsage.KeyDerivationInitialKey) {
      } else {
        initialKeyId.substring(8) + hexCounter.padStart(8, '0')
      return "$version$keyBlockCounter${keyUsage.usageIndicator}${keyType.algoIndicator}${keyType.length}$data".hexToByteArray()
    fun deriveInitialKeyByBdk(
      bdk: ByteArray,
      keyType: KeyType,
      initialKeyId: String,
    ): ByteArray {
      val derivationData = createDerivationData(KeyUsage.KeyDerivationInitialKey, keyType, initialKeyId, "")
      return deriveKey(bdk, keyType, derivationData)
    fun deriveWorkingKeyByBdk(
      bdk: ByteArray,
      bdkKeyType: KeyType,
      workingKeyType: KeyType,
      workingKeyUsage: KeyUsage,
      ksn: String,
    ): ByteArray {
      val initialKey = deriveInitialKeyByBdk(bdk, bdkKeyType, ksn.substring(0..15))
      return deriveWorkingKeyByInitialKey(initialKey, bdkKeyType, workingKeyUsage, workingKeyType, ksn)
    fun deriveWorkingKeyByInitialKey(
      initialKey: ByteArray,
      deriveKeyType: KeyType,
      workingKeyUsage: KeyUsage,
      workingKeyType: KeyType,
      ksn: String,
    ): ByteArray {
      require(ksn.length == 24)
      val initialKeyId = ksn.substring(0..15)
      val transactionCounter = ksn.substring(16..23)
      // set the most significant bit to one and all other bits to zero
      var mask = 0x80000000
      var workingCounter = 0L
      var derivationKey = initialKey
      // calculate current derivation key from initial key
      while (mask > 0) {
        if (mask.and(transactionCounter.toLong(16)) != 0L) {
          workingCounter = workingCounter.or(mask)
          val derivationData = createDerivationData(
          derivationKey = deriveKey(derivationKey, deriveKeyType, derivationData)
        mask = mask shr 1
      // derive working key from current derivation key
      val derivationData = createDerivationData(workingKeyUsage, workingKeyType, initialKeyId, transactionCounter)
      return deriveKey(derivationKey, workingKeyType, derivationData)

PIN Block

import javax.crypto.Cipher
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec
import kotlin.experimental.xor
object PinBlock {
   * reference:
   * common PIN-block formats based on ISO 9564
  enum class PinBlockFormat(
    val nibble: Int,
  ) {
    Iso0(nibble = 0),
    Iso1(nibble = 1),
    Iso2(nibble = 2),
    Iso3(nibble = 3),
    Iso4(nibble = 4),
   * Prepares the PIN using the specified PIN block format.
   * @param rawPin The raw PIN entered by the user.
   * @param pinBlockFormat The format of the PIN block.
   * @return The prepared PIN as a hexadecimal string.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the length of the PIN is less than 4.
  private fun preparePin(rawPin: String, pinBlockFormat: PinBlockFormat): String {
    require(rawPin.length >= 4) { "PIN length must be >= 4" }
    val randomBytes = ByteArray(8).apply { SecureRandom().nextBytes(this) }
    return when (pinBlockFormat) {
      -> "${pinBlockFormat.nibble}${rawPin.length}$rawPin".padEnd(16, 'f')
      -> "${pinBlockFormat.nibble}${rawPin.length}$rawPin".plus(randomBytes.toHexString()).take(16)
      PinBlockFormat.Iso4 -> "${pinBlockFormat.nibble}${rawPin.length}$rawPin".padEnd(16, 'a').plus(randomBytes.toHexString()).take(32)
   * Prepares the PAN (Primary Account Number) for xor or encryption using the specified PIN block format.
   * @param rawPan The raw PAN entered by the user.
   * @param pinBlockFormat The format of the PIN block.
   * @return The prepared PAN as a string.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the length of the PAN is not in the range of 12 to 19.
  private fun preparePan(rawPan: String, pinBlockFormat: PinBlockFormat): String {
    require(rawPan.length in 12..19) { "PAN length must be in 12..19" }
    // only iso0, iso3, iso4 use the pan for xor or aes
    // but to avoid nullable type just return the same formatted pan for iso1 & 2
    return when (pinBlockFormat) {
      -> "0000".plus(rawPan.dropLast(1).takeLast(12))
      PinBlockFormat.Iso4 -> {
        // PAN pad length indicating PAN length of 12 plus the value of the field ‘0’-‘7’ (ranging then from 12 to 19)
        val lengthAbove12 = rawPan.length - 12
        "$lengthAbove12$rawPan".padEnd(32, '0')
   * Calculates the PIN block based on the provided parameters.
   * @param rawPin The raw PIN entered by the user.
   * @param pinBlockFormat The format of the PIN block.
   * @param rawPan The raw PAN (Primary Account Number) used for Iso0, Iso3, or Iso4 formats.
   * @param pinKey The key used for encrypting the PIN block in Iso4 format.
   * @return The calculated PIN block as a hexadecimal string.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the PAN is required but not provided for Iso0, Iso3, or Iso4 formats.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the PIN key is required but not provided for Iso4 format.
  fun getPinBlock(
    rawPin: String,
    pinBlockFormat: PinBlockFormat,
    rawPan: String? = null,
    pinKey: ByteArray? = null,
  ): String {
    if (pinBlockFormat in arrayOf(PinBlockFormat.Iso0, PinBlockFormat.Iso3, PinBlockFormat.Iso4)) {
      require(rawPan != null) { "Require PAN for Iso0, Iso3, or Iso4" }
    val pinBytes = preparePin(rawPin, pinBlockFormat).hexToByteArray()
    val panBytes = rawPan?.let { preparePan(it, pinBlockFormat).hexToByteArray() }
    if (pinBlockFormat in arrayOf(PinBlockFormat.Iso0, PinBlockFormat.Iso3)) {
      return pinBytes
        .mapIndexed { idx, byte -> byte xor panBytes!![idx] }
    // ISO 9564-1: 2017 Format 4.
    if (pinBlockFormat == PinBlockFormat.Iso4) {
      require(pinKey != null) { "Require PIN key for Iso4" }
      return pinBytes
        // 3. PIN block is encrypted with AES key - Format 4 uses AES-128 ECB
        .run { Aes.encryptEcb(this, pinKey, Aes.Padding.NoPadding) }
        // 4. The resulting Intermediate Block A is then XOR’ed with PAN Block
        .mapIndexed { idx, byte -> byte xor panBytes!![idx] }.toByteArray()
        // 5. The resulting Intermediate Block B is enciphered with the AES key again to get final Enciphered PIN Block
        .run { Aes.encryptEcb(this, pinKey, Aes.Padding.NoPadding).toHexString() }
    // PinBlockFormat.Iso1, PinBlockFormat.Iso2
    return pinBytes.toHexString()
   * Decrypts the ISO 9564-1 Format 4 encrypted PIN block into plain PIN string.
   * Warning: DO NOT do this anywhere, you'll always want the PIN block encrypted
   * This is just for demonstration purpose
   * @param pinKey The key used for PIN encryption. It should be a 16-byte AES key.
   * @param epb The encrypted PIN block as a byte array.
   * @param pan The PAN (Primary Account Number) as a string.
   * @return The decrypted plain PIN.
  fun dangerouslyDecryptIso4EpbToPin(pinKey: ByteArray, epb: ByteArray, pan: String): String {
    val cipher = Cipher
      .apply { init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, SecretKeySpec(pinKey, "AES")) }
    val panBytes = preparePan(pan, PinBlockFormat.Iso4).hexToByteArray()
    return cipher
      // decrypt epb to block B
      // reverse xor with pan, for block a
      .mapIndexed { index, byte -> byte xor panBytes[index] }.toByteArray()
      // decrypt again for plain pin block
      .run { cipher.doFinal(this).toHexString() }
      // extract pin string
      .run { drop(2).take(substring(1, 2).toInt(16)) }



Load JSON from android asset directory

inline fun <reified T> Context.loadJsonFromAsset(fileName: String): T {
  val jsonStr = applicationContext.assets
    .use { it.readText() }
  val type = object : TypeToken<T>() {}.type
  return Gson().fromJson(jsonStr, type)

Find activity from context

tailrec fun Context.findActivity(): ComponentActivity = when (this) {
  is ComponentActivity -> this
  is ContextWrapper -> baseContext.findActivity()
  else -> throw IllegalStateException("no activity")