Enabler Service
Getting Started
How it works

How the Enabler Service works?


Profiles & Acceptances

Profile-Acceptance Relationship

  • Profile: Represents a merchant's configuration, including the least merchant information (for assembling the payment message) and binded with one or more acceptances.
  • Acceptance: Represents the upstream gateway configuration, including host message formats, MIDs, TIDs, and supported payment methods.

For example let's consider a profile with 2 acceptances binded, the struct as below:

example profile
  "profileId": "prof_01",
  "profileName": "Example Profile",
  "providerReference": "your-system-reference-01",
  "merchantName": "ACME",
  "acceptances": [
      "acptId": "acpt_01",
      "acptName": "Example Acceptance (MOCK 1)",
      "hostMessageFormat": "MPGS_AP",
      "supportedPayments": [
      "bindedMethods": [
      "primaryMid": "1122",
      "primaryTid": "3344",
      "acptId": "acpt_02",
      "acptName": "Example Acceptance (MOCK 2)",
      "hostMessageFormat": "MOCK",
      "supportedPayments": [
      "bindedMethods": [
      "primaryMid": "5566",
      "primaryTid": "7788",

The profile is binded with 2 acceptances:

First acceptance (acpt_01)

  • is with MPGS_AP message format, with mid: 1122 and tid: 3344
  • can support 3 payment methods: "supportedPayments": ["VISA", "MASTERCARD", "AMEX"]
  • but it is just binded for 2 methods for this particular profile: "bindedMethods": ["VISA", "MASTERCARD"]

Second acceptance (acpt_02)

  • is with MOCK message format, with mid: 5566 and tid: 7788
  • support for AMEX & UNIONPAY
  • binded for both AMEX & UNIONPAY for this profile

Transactions & Actions

Transaction-Action Relationship

Transactions are the primary operations, like sales or refunds, while actions are the operations performed on those transactions, such as voiding or adjusting them.

  • Transaction: The main event, such as a SALE, AUTH or a REFUND.
  • Action: Operations performed for a transaction, like a NEW, VOID or ADJUST.

It's like a parent child relations - A transaction can have multiple actions.

For example, a voided sale transaction has 2 actions - an actionType: NEW responsible for the sale request and an actionType: VOID for the void request.

  "tranType": "SALE",
  "tranStatus": "VOIDED",
  "amount": {
    "value": "1.00",
    "currency": "HKD"
  "actions": [
      "actionId": "act_01J2DPZ7RC7ZNECC6SS2096HBY",
      "trace": "12803",
      "actionType": "VOID",
      "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
      "requestId": "req_01J2DPZ7QWQEQ49QQX99KF2K4A",
      "amount": {
        "value": "1.00",
        "currency": "HKD"
      "tranId": "tran_01J2DPY593R5ANPWYYC52AJTK1",
      "reason": "HostSuccess",
      "hostRespCode": "00",
      "hostRespMessage": "Approved",
      "actionId": "act_01J2DPY5918KMNX3DF2S26XBYQ",
      "trace": "12802",
      "actionType": "NEW",
      "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
      "requestId": "req_01J2DPY4T9Z5XCDZZA9B1AWG6K",
      "amount": {
        "value": "1.00",
        "currency": "HKD"
      "tranId": "tran_01J2DPY593R5ANPWYYC52AJTK1",
      "reason": "HostSuccess",
      "hostRespCode": "00",
      "hostRespMessage": "Approved",

References from different systems

Throughout the lifecycle of a transaction, the request and data might be passed through a lot of systems. Hence there will be quite a few references/ id from different system.

As a rule of thumb, the enabler will try to include as much information as possible, so on the caller side can reason about it.

transaction.tranIdEnablerAuto generated
transaction.linkedTranIdEnablertranId ref to another txnApplicable to linked-refund
transaction.posReferencePOS/ Caller on the SoftPOSPassed via requestCaller side can pass a posReference to the app/ sdk, like a invoice number
transaction.providerReferenceProfileIf set in the profileCan be set in the profile, as a third party system reference of the merchant. Will be carried to transaction record
transaction.rrnUpstream host responseIf host respondedReturned from host response, the reference retrieval number. Usually it is used to track transaction via the acquirer system.
transaction.approvalCodeUpstream host responseIf host respondedReturned from host response. Usually from issuer system.
action.actionIdEnablerAuto generated
action.tranIdTransactiontranID ref to txnLinkage to transaction
action.requestIdSoftPOS app/ sdkSDK/ app generatedWith our app/ sdk, on client side it is generated. Some other API (like voiding via RESTful API), when the enabler receive the request it'll generate one.