POS Request model
sealed class PosRequest(
val name: String,
) : Serializable {
* Warm Up command will warm init the softPOS application to make it ready for payment.
* You can send a warm-up command when your business application is doing configuration OR it is
* under preparing for the coming transaction.
object WarmUp : PosRequest("WARM_UP"), Serializable
* Activation Command: SoftPOS Application has to be activated before any other API calling.
* This command triggers application to do activation by using the activation code
* @param activationCode the activation code get from MineSec backend
data class Activation(val activationCode: String) : PosRequest("ACTIVATION"), Serializable
* Enquiry the device status by sending this command.
object EnquiryDeviceStatus : PosRequest("ENQUIRY_STATUS"), Serializable
* Force the device to do full reconfiguration by sending this command. The reconfiguration command
* will force application to reload EMV profiles as well as crypto keys.
object ReloadConfiguration : PosRequest("RELOAD_CONFIGS"), Serializable
* This command only works for SoftPOS Application which supports Bluetooth D177 Card Reader.
* It is used to get the Bluetooth Connection status of D177 Card Reader.
object EnquiryBTStatus : PosRequest("ENQUIRY_BLUETOOTH_CONNECT_STATUS"), Serializable
// Transaction Command
sealed class Transaction(name: String) : PosRequest(name) {
// Sale Operation
data class Sale(
// transaction amount. it's a BigDecimal way. e.g. BigDecimal("1.0").
// currency is automatically configured in backend.
val amount: BigDecimal,
// Description that will be added into payment record / receipt.
val description: String? = null,
// Unique ID that is generated by business Application. it could be used for payment record query/search.
val posMessageId: String? = null,
// SoftPOS will be disappeared automatically immediately after payment action done if this item is set to true
val autoDismissResult: Boolean = false,
) : Transaction("SALE"), Serializable
* Authorization
data class Auth(
// transaction amount. it's a BigDecimal way. e.g. BigDecimal("1.0").
// currency is automatically configured in backend.
val amount: BigDecimal,
// Description that will be added into payment record / receipt.
val description: String? = null,
// Unique ID that is generated by business Application. it could be used for payment record query/search.
val posMessageId: String? = null,
// SoftPOS will be disappeared automatically immediately after payment action done if this item is set to true
val autoDismissResult: Boolean = false,
) : Transaction("AUTH"), Serializable
// Void
data class Void(
// original transaction Id
val orgTranId: String,
// Unique ID that is generated by business Application.
// it could be used for payment action(or record) query/search.
val posMessageId: String? = null,
// void password.
val adminPwd: String,
) : Transaction("VOID"), Serializable
// Refund without card-present
data class Refund(
// original transaction Id
val orgTranId: String,
// Unique ID that is generated by business Application.
// it could be used for payment action(or record) query/search.
val posMessageId: String? = null,
// void password.
val adminPwd: String,
) : Transaction("REFUND"), Serializable
// transaction status query
data class EnquiryTranStatus(
// transaction id
val orgTranId: String,
) : PosRequest("ENQUIRY_TRANSACTION_STATUS"), Serializable
// settlement
data class Settlement(
// Unique ID that is generated by business Application.
// it could be used for payment action(or record) query/search.
val posMessageId: String? = null,
) : PosRequest("SETTLEMENT"), Serializable
POS Response Model
// App-to-app call response
sealed class PosResponse<T>(
// error code when calling fails
val rspCode: String,
// error message when calling fails
val rspMsg: String,
) : Serializable {
// success object when calling is success. the data element represents a valid object returned by application.
class Success<T>(val data: T, rspCode: String, rspMsg: String) : PosResponse<T>(rspCode, rspMsg), Serializable
// failed calling. rspCode & rspMsg details the reason of failing
class Failed<Unit>(rspCode: String, rspMsg: String, val tranId: String? = null) : PosResponse<Unit>(rspCode, rspMsg), Serializable
// Successful transaction response
data class TransactionResponse(
// transaction ID unique per transaction. generated by MineSec Backend.
val tranId: String,
// trace ID. unique per transaction. generated by MineSec Backend.
val trace: String,
// RRN. unique per transaction. generated by payment host
val rrn: String,
// transaction type:SALE/VOID/REFUND/AUTH
val tranType: String,
// transaction status: Approved/Declined/Processing/Voided/Reversed
val tranStatus: String,
// card present approval auth code.
val approvalCode: String,
// payment Method: Visa/Mastercard/etc..
val paymentMethod: String,
// generic transaction card returned data.
val cardData: CardData,
// entryMode: NFC
val entryMode: String,
// masked Account: e.g. **** **** **** 1234
val maskedAccount: String,
// CVM method being used
val cvmPerformed: String,
// MID which process this transaction
val acqMid: String,
// TID which process this transaction
val acqTid: String,
// unique reference ID generated by application.
val posMessageId: String,
// merchant address
val mchAddress: String,
// merchant name
val mchName: String,
// total txn amount
val totalAmount: BigDecimal,
val createByName: String,
val createdAt: String,
val updatedAt: String,
) : Serializable
data class CardData(
// application AID
val aid: String,
// emv app NAME
val appName: String,
// TC code
val tc: String,
// tsi
val tsi: String,
// tvr
val tvr: String,
) : Serializable
// settlement response
data class SettlementResponse(
// batch No.
val batches: String,
val createByName: String,
// unique reference id generated by application.
val posMessageId: String,
//val tranStatus: String,
val createdAt: String,
val updatedAt: String,
) : Serializable