Getting Started
Setup Guide

CPoC SDK Setup

Put the .license file to your project

Place the your-license-file.license in the app module's ./src/main/assets respectively

      • your-license-file.license
  • Add MineSec Package Registry to your environment

    In your machine/ environment, set up the credential for downloading the sdk package:

    # minesec client registry

    Please seek our customer support for the token.

    Register the maven registry in your project

    In your project, (usually) the settings.gradle or settings.gradle.kts, setup the maven registry like the following:

    dependencyResolutionManagement {
        repositories {
            // if you need to support Huawei devices
            maven {
                url = uri("https://developer.huawei.com/repo/")
            // MineSec's maven registry
            maven {
                val MINESEC_REGISTRY_LOGIN: String? by settings
                val MINESEC_REGISTRY_TOKEN: String? by settings
                requireNotNull(MINESEC_REGISTRY_LOGIN) {
                        Please set your MineSec Github credential in `gradle.properties`.
                        On local machine,
                        ** DO NOT **
                        ** DO NOT **
                        ** DO NOT **
                        Do not put it in the project's file. (and accidentally commit and push)
                        ** DO **
                        Do set it in your machine's global (~/.gradle/gradle.properties)
                println("MS GPR: $MINESEC_REGISTRY_LOGIN")
                name = "MineSecMavenClientRegistry"
                url = uri("https://maven.pkg.github.com/theminesec/ms-registry-client")
                credentials {
                    username = MINESEC_REGISTRY_LOGIN
                    password = MINESEC_REGISTRY_TOKEN

    Add SDK dependency in app gradle

    In your app's build.gradle.kts, add the following dependency of the minesec sdk:

    dependencies {
        releaseImplementation("com.theminesec.sdk:minehades:") {
          exclude(group = "org.bouncycastle", module = "bcprov-jdk15on")
          exclude(group = "org.bouncycastle", module = "bcpkix-jdk15on")
        // for debug SDK, you can declare as debugImplementation
        debugImplementation("com.theminesec.sdk:minehades-stage:") {
          exclude(group = "org.bouncycastle", module = "bcprov-jdk15on")
          exclude(group = "org.bouncycastle", module = "bcpkix-jdk15on")
        // ... other deps

    Note that there are 2 versions of the SDK:

    • live environment with name = "minehades", it is connected to live AMS & has a more strict security checks
    • stage environment with name = "minehades-stage", has a loosen security runtime check and connected to stage/ test environment

    You could depend the SDK with debugImplementation & releaseImplementation in your app's build.gradle

    Exclude conflicting build meta

    In the packaging option, add the following:

    android {
        // ...
        packaging {
            resources {
                // ...
                excludes += "/META-INF/DEPENDENCIES"
                excludes += "/META-INF/LICENSE"
                excludes += "/META-INF/LICENSE.txt"
                excludes += "/META-INF/license.txt"
                excludes += "/META-INF/NOTICE"
                excludes += "/META-INF/NOTICE.txt"
                excludes += "/META-INF/notice.txt"
                excludes += "/META-INF/ASL2.0"
                excludes += "/META-INF/*.kotlin_module"