Getting Started
Setup & Requirement

Device Requirement

  • Android 10+ (API level 29+/ Q/ Quince Tart).
  • Support Google Play Services (GMS).
    • For production app, it is required to be installed from Google Play Store.
  • The device must be able to receive security updates and has recent security patch level.
  • Supports of hardware backed key attestation.
  • Supports of NFC.
  • Supports of light sensor.
  • Device must not be rooted.
  • Device must pass Android compatibility test.
  • Device bootloader must be locked.
  • The application must not be built in a way that allows extraction of native libraries from APKs during installation.
  • No hooking framework (e.g. Frida, Xposed) shall be installed on the device or bundled with the app.

Device OS Security Patch Requirement

The attestation and monitoring service implements a granular approach on verifying the security patch level captured by the SDK.

The default device checking rules as follows:

BrandMaximum days allowedUpdate frequency
Samsung2006 months
Google1103 months
Xiaomi1103 months
Oppo1103 months
Oneplus1102-3 months