White-label App SDK
API Reference



The WrappedResult class is a sealed class used throughout the MineSec Headless SDK to encapsulate the result of operations. It provides a way to wrap successful results or exceptions, ensuring that exceptions are handled gracefully and do not crash the client's application.

Both successful and failed result will be treated as value (Error as value approach).

The pattern is an effective way to handle success and failure in a unified manner to distinguish success and failed operation, resulting in more maintainable and robust applications. It fits well within Kotlin's language features and ecosystem, making it a recommended approach for modern Kotlin applications.

Sub class

The WrappedResult class has two subclasses: Success and Failure.


Represents a successful result.


  • value: T: The successful result value.


val successResult = WrappedResult.Success(data)


Represents a failed result. The contextual is the underlying error/ exception information.

This encapsulate the underlying error, like from CPoC/ MPoC SDK's MhdRuntimeException, network issues, and other exceptions.


  • code: Int: The error code.
  • message: String: The error message.
  • contextual: String?: Optional contextual information about the error.
  • extra: Map<String, String>?: Optional additional information about the error.


val failureResult = WrappedResult.Failure(exception)


Handling Success and Failure

val result: WrappedResult<SomeData> = performOperation()
when (result) {
  is WrappedResult.Success -> {
    val data = result.value
    // Handle success
  is WrappedResult.Failure -> {
    val errorCode = result.code
    val errorMessage = result.message
    // Handle failure